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The official Journal of the Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Sciences - Matrouh University, Marsa Matrouh, Egypt, Journal of Applied Geosciences and Energy (JAGE) is an online journal published once semi-annual and available in a downloadable digital format. The Journal publishes the finest peer-reviewed scientific papers in all fields of earth sciences and energy on the basis of its originality, importance, and objective conclusions. It also provides authoritative news and interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting on geology, petroleum sciences, mining and energy resources. The journal accepts the publication in topics related to the geology, geophysics, crustal structures, mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, paleontology, environmental sciences, natural hazards and sustainable development. The Journal of Applied Geosciences and Energy comprises both theoretical and applied research papers and encourages the submission of the results of collaborative research undertaken between academia and industry.

Publication Information

Matrouh University, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Sciences

Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor Editorial Board
Online ISSN